15 Passive Aggressive Websites With Absolutely No Chill


“Sure, don’t sign up for our website, if you hate your family.” Via The Cruelest Opt-Out Forms on Tumblr.

Media strategist Lydia Laurenson collects examples of websites being dicks.

Media strategist Lydia Laurenson collects examples of websites being dicks.

You know, the kinds of sites that make you say: "No, I don't like things that are awesome."

cruelestoptouts.tumblr.com / Via delicious.com

Because the kinds of people who don't want CRITICAL ADVICE from IT leaders must be obnoxious know-it-alls.

Because the kinds of people who don't want CRITICAL ADVICE from IT leaders must be obnoxious know-it-alls.

"No thanks, I know everything."

cruelestoptouts.tumblr.com / Via techrepublic.com

People who don't want to set goals on this fitness website obviously lack ambition.

People who don't want to set goals on this fitness website obviously lack ambition.

"I don't have any goals."


Anyone who would rather refrain from this weekly newsletter despise creativity.

Anyone who would rather refrain from this weekly newsletter despise creativity.

"No thanks, I hate creativity!"

cruelestoptouts.tumblr.com / Via pjrvs.com

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