Fitspo, fixed. Inspired by this post and this tumblr.
That time fitspo made you think that you only had two choices.
Carolyn Kylstra for BuzzFeed / Via
That time fitspo made you think that the only legit or meaningful workouts take an HOUR of your time.
You don't need to spend an hour working out to see health benefits from fitness! Check out these 9 quick total-body workouts for some examples of how to fit workouts into a busy schedule. High intensity circuit training, people! It's a thing!
Carolyn Kylstra for BuzzFeed / Via
That time fitspo said that you can turn into someone else entirely.
People are all different, bodies are all different!
Carolyn Kylstra for BuzzFeed / Via
That time fitspo told you not to listen to your body.
Eat when you're hungry.
Carolyn Kylstra for BuzzFeed / Via