How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

It’s your life, don’t sleep through it! Unless you need to.



By four months old, babies need 10-12 total hours of sleep per night–but good luck getting them all in a row!

Stockbroker / Getty Images

Age 12

Age 12

This can vary a lot, but if you're 12 or under, you require at least ten hours of sleep.

Monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

Age 13

Age 13

There's a reason you're falling asleep in class–you might need up to 13 hours of sleep every night.

Digital Vision. / Getty Images

Age 13 But You Just Went Through Your First Bad Break Up

Age 13 But You Just Went Through Your First Bad Break Up

You need to sleep all day and all night forever. Nothing will ever feel good again.

Monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

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