These Artists Created The Only Horoscope You Deserve, Forever

Artist Molly Soda and poet @sosadtoday team up to read you your “permascopes”.



Molly Soda / @sosadtoday / Via

Artist Molly Soda and the anonymous Twitter account @sosadtoday collaborated on a project titled PERMASCOPES: This is Your Horoscope Every Day of Your Life. The two artists became friends online and realized they shared an interest for astrology. They came up with the idea of a "permascope": each Zodiac sign needs one permanent piece of advice, not a new monthly prediction.

@sosadtoday's Twitter feed of oddly sad musings are hugely popular, with celebrity followers like Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry. Her tweets capture the perfect disaffected digital native ennui: "i want you more when you don't want me dot com" and "*never gets shit together*."

Molly Soda is a young Chicago artist who became massively popular on Tumblr and YouTube. She managed to translate her internet celebrity into traditional art world success (her first piece sold at auction was a performance of her reading her own Tumblr inbox). Her digital art using GIFs, pop culture references, and performance pieces with sharp emotional clarity have immensely influenced the look and aesthetic of the current internet n.



Molly Soda / @sosadtoday / Via

Soda and @sosadtoday shared their PERMASCOPES piece with BuzzFeed, and we had some questions for them.

What interested you in making "Permascopes"?

@sosadtoday: Molly and I are both deep in the astrology game. I've tried to shake it throughout my life, because it's a pretty reductive way to assess people. But like retired a Catholic who still worry about hell, I can't stop viewing the world this way. So in the vein of embracing the reductive nature of astrology, the idea of a permascope is that there are qualities so static to every sign that each sign can be given one particular horoscope every day for the rest of their lives. Like, each sign needs to read the same piece of advice every day.

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