This Animated 4-Year-Old Made His TV Debut On Local News And It's Adorable

Thankfully he’s okay and clearly ready for his 15 seconds of fame.

While Jayden Wingler was riding the bumper boats at an Arizona amusement park, the boat the 4-year-old and his brother were on caught fire — leaving both boys with burns on their feet and legs.

Thankfully, Jayden's wounds are healing and he's going to be just fine, but when a local news station interviewed him about the experience, his response was just the cutest thing EVER:

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The news reporter asked little Jayden what happened on the ride. Well, he had A LOT to say...

The news reporter asked little Jayden what happened on the ride. Well, he had A LOT to say...

As the saying goes, kids really do say the darndest things.

Via Facebook: video.php

Keeping with the whole cuteness theme... Jayden didn't disappoint.

Keeping with the whole cuteness theme... Jayden didn't disappoint.

Jayden, we HATE that fire, too!

Via Facebook: video.php

Dad joked and said, "Hopefully he'll want to get out on the boats again." That got this ~REALLY~ resounding and animated NOPE from Jayden.

Dad joked and said, "Hopefully he'll want to get out on the boats again." That got this ~REALLY~ resounding and animated NOPE from Jayden.

"Oh no, Dad!"

Via Facebook: video.php

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