Who are you? What defines you? When someone asks you "tell me about yourself?" What do you tell them? So many of us are caught up in lives we feel we can't escape. We let a job define who we are and we accept less than what we're worth. Rather than cultivating a life we want, we endure a life that is. Don't settle for mediocrity. It doesn't have to be that way. What you do doesn't define who you are & your circumstances don't determine your outcome. You have a choice. YOU define who you are. You're so much more than the professor who won't give you an A, or a boss that makes you feel less than. CHOOSE to eliminate negativity. CHOOSE to be happy. CHOOSE a career you LOVE and $$ will follow. You have the CHOICE to decide what's important and what your values are. Make choices to achieve those goals. CHOOSE your life and take actions to make those choices your reality. #JenSelterChallenge